Thursday, November 25, 2010


I'm going to send you a Thanksgiving Day message, one
which is a bit more useful, and one I wholeheartedly believe in.

While being thankful is a good thing, if you feel you don't have a
lot (or enough) to be thankful about, then go and get yourself
something to be thankful for.

This is a derivation of the Mike Vance message of, "instead of
smiling for smiling's sake, get yourself a reason to smile." (Mike
Vance was one of the creative geniuses behind Walt Disney).

The message is, of course, that the things you are most thankful
for don't somehow "just happen," you make them happen yourself. 
That way, as time passes you'll have more and more to be thankful
for because you've made it your business to get things you're
thankful for.

This year I do have many things I've gone out and gotten to be
thankful for.  Would I prefer there be more?  Undoubtedly, yes--but
I next year I will have more things to be thankful for, and even
more the year after that and so on.

So rather than "just" being thankful for the good things in your
life, make it a point to go out and get or create things to be
thankful for.  That way when Thanksgiving rolls around again, you
can sit down and take inventory of the things you've actively added
to your life to be thankful for--and end the day on a satisfying
note indeed.

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